Feb 7 - Get ur geek on: www.gapminder.org

So far, we have raised $3,106 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is Freedom From Hunger. DONATE NOW!!

Do you know of a more fascinating presentation on global health data? "The improvement of the world must be highly contextualized."

Feb 6 - Got my DJ on and scored some arroz con gondules

So far, we have raised $3,106 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!

Feb 5 - De-cluttering the office

So far, we have raised $3,011 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!

By the way, I recognize that today's post reveals my own "one more thing" element as described in yesterday's post. And I'm okay with that. I'm in a process of downshifting my life rather than seeking to obtain more. But there are some foundational elements that need to be in order. Plus, I'm only eating a bowl of rice a day so just chill already!

Feb 4 - How much more do you need before you'll help the poor?

So far, we have raised $3,011 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!

Doesn't it seem like we're always just looking for one more thing... and THEN we'll do the stuff we've always wanted to do to help the poor. THEN we'll be the people we really are deep inside. Once we pay off those debts, get through school, get our kids college fund established, renovate the kitchen, take that trip, put a new sound system in the church, fix the national economy, etc. Seems like there is always just one more thing that we need... and THEN we'll get down to the business of helping those 20,000 people who die every day because they don't have food.

February 3 - My First Interview!

So far, we have raised $2,961 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!

Thanks Hannah!

Feb 2 - Changing the Face of Hunger

So far, we have raised $2,926 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!

This video is long and kind of slow, but excellent and worth the time.

Feb 1 - You Say Tomato, I Say Tobago

So far, we have raised $2,926 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is The Hunger Project. DONATE NOW!!
Hunger Project people, email me!! ryan@simplesizeme.com