Feb 14 - My own personal tea party

So far, we have raised $3,536 for hunger-related causes.
Today's featured charity is Fruit of the Vine International. DONATE NOW!!



Doug Vander Meulen said...

Interesting thoughts, I think where you finally sold me was the aspect of going to jail, what politician would want that? the negative publicity, etc. I like the song at the end as well.

Keep up the good fight!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan... awesome man! I think what you're doing is tremendous. I don’t think there is a government bailout big enough to “save” americans from having to tighten their proverbial belts. Until we decide that cable television is a luxury item, that daily fast food and microwave meals are luxury items, that our new car leases are luxury items... we are going to CONTINUE to have an economic crisis. You cannot spend your way out a problem that exorbitant spending created. We must cut back our luxury’s, save some money for the future, stop maxing out our credit cards for the latest fashions and trends trying to keep up with the Jones’ and learn how to buy used, shop at thrift stores, buy store brand items, and give something to those less fortunate than us. Ryan, you've got the right idea and we’d all be blessed to follow suit. It’s people like you who are going to fix the problems of this world, and who will probably help all of us arrogant americans to navigate our way out of the economic crisis that the central bankers’ greed, fed by the american entitlement complex of the middle and upper class, which got us into. We can’t spend our way out of this. We must save our money, pay off debt and contribute to the needs of others. It’s the only way out and that is what you is doing. More power to you!! I'm all about the taxes thing... Lets not forget that income taxes are unconstitutional as originally written and intended.
–Drew Cope–

Christine said...

First let me say you rock dude! I had a similar conversation with my husband this weekend. Although I must say mine was not as well thought out as yours. I just do not want my tax dollars going to this bail out! I am so frustrated with with the voters this election. Including my children. Everyone was in such rush to vote against something that they never stopped to think what they were really voting for. That coupled with the fact that most people have no idea what there state level politicians are doing has gotten us into a mess that I'm afraid we will never recover from. I find this bail out unconscionable, and I wonder what my part is by paying my taxes and when will it stop. In Sicko there is a great line by the either the French or the British official that goes something like this; The difference between us and the Americans is that here the government is afraid of the citizens and in America the the citizens are afraid of the government. I think that sums it up. Our government really does not hear us therefore does not represent us. Don't get me wrong I am usually a rule person. I like rules they set a standard for a society to follow. But I wonder with all the fat cat lobbyist in Washington what is the first step to real change? How do we really change our country and the world? Is the person that is a rebel now going to be the person who people look to as the one who started turning point in history later on? Lots of good stuff to think about. Keep the faith.

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